

Children’s learning journey with TAPESTRY

In September 2021, we introduced a new way of sharing children’s learning and achievements by introducing Tapestry Online Learning Journal.

Tapestry allows us to make observations for your children, attach photos and videos, as well as include assessments which we can use to track children’s development and progress. This will then allow you to see more of what your child is getting up to at Acacia, more often. 

On Tapestry, parents, carers and other relatives can view, like and comment on the observations we make for your children. You can also add your own observations of what your child does outside of Acacia. This then creates a fantastic overall image of your child’s learning both at Acacia and at home. 

We will set you up with your own individual account to access your child’s learning journey using your email address, once your child starts with us.


Parents say: 

“It’s New Malden’s hidden gem, the kind of safe, nurturing and idyllic nursery overlooking a cricket pitch, that you expect to find in a village.”

“My son has just started at Acacia and is loving it so far. The staff are so friendly and welcoming”


Assessment and Progress


Children’s progress is assessed every half term by their key person. The outcomes of assessments will be shared with you, on Tapestry, including your child’s suggested next steps, with ideas of how you can support these at home.

If a child joins us when they are 2 years old, then a 2-year progress check will be completed during their first term. Following this, an appointment will be made so that we can share this with you. 

Before children leave Acacia, transition packs are created for all children, which are forwarded on to the school / setting that they will be moving on to.


Acacia Parent Survey Results March 2022

We are always looking at ways to improve our provision to ensure that we make Acacia the best place it can be for your children. In March 2022 we conducted an anonymous parent survey, the results of which you can download here. The feedback has been discussed by both staff and trustees, and we are extremely proud of the overwhelming support for Acacia. All constructive points for improvement have been reflected on and changes continue to be implemented where necessary.


Useful links


Parents say:

“My daughter had a wonderful year there before school. She's now 7. Lovely caring staff, great setting with wonderful outdoor green space - a superb start for preschoolers”


What parents say their children like:

“Lovely teachers, fun and varied activities and freedom to play outside often”

“Everything! Her friends, her teacher and all the great fun and games she has all day!”

“Creative set ups and friends”

“He always talks about his teachers, the children, the space outside and the toys”