Key information


Our hours

Standard sessions:
9am-12pm or 9am-3pm
Monday to Friday in term times

Children must be registered to attend a minimum of 3 morning sessions per week.

We offer the Government funded 30 hours of childcare per week from 9am-3pm Monday-Friday, 38 weeks a year. We do not offer afternoon only sessions. 


Term dates

  • Tuesday 3 September:
    New children induction event

    Wednesday 4 September –
    Friday 25 October


    Tuesday 5 November –
    Wednesday 18 December

    Thursday 19 December:
    Christmas Party 10am–12pm

  • Monday 6 January:
    Staff Inset Day

    Tuesday 7 January –
    Friday 14 February


    Monday 24 February –
    Friday 4 April

  • Tuesday 22 April:
    Staff Inset Day

    Wednesday 23 April –
    Friday 23 May


    Monday 2 June –
    Thursday 17 July

    Friday 18 July:
    Family Fun Day 10am–12pm


Our fees and funding

Fees for non-funded children:
£23 per 3-hour session
Fees are payable for all booked sessions, regardless of absence due to illness or holidays taken during term time.

Universal funding:
15 hours per week can only be used for our morning sessions 9am-12pm

Lunch Club
For children not attending a full day, the morning session can be extended by attending lunch club 12pm-1pm for a fee of £8 per lunch club session. Children must bring in their own healthy, nut free, packed lunch to eat during this time. All children can attend the lunch club session.

Early Bird
We also offer an "Early Bird" session for children to be dropped off at 8.30am. This is payable at £4 per Early Bird session.

A deposit of £100 is payable to secure places offered to ALL children. This deposit is returned to you during your child's last term provided all fees have been paid or funding successfully claimed, and a minimum of half a term's notice given that your child is leaving the preschool.

We accept all childcare vouchers and also payment via the Government's Tax-Free Childcare Scheme. Please see for further details

Find out about 2-3year old funding from the

Families can check their eligibility to this funding via the following Government website


Safeguarding information

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of each child.

Children have a right to be cared for and protected, protecting them is everyone’s responsibility.

Here at Acacia Preschool, we have a duty of care to ensure that all users are kept safe from harm.  

We are committed to provide a secure and supportive environment in which children can develop and grow in to mature and responsible people. Safeguarding children is an essential part of our practice to ensure that children are protected from abuse and neglect and that every child reaches their full potential. 

For further information, please see our Safeguarding policy.


Healthy eating


As a Healthy Early Years Setting, we want to ensure that we promote the health and well-being of the whole setting community through all aspects of food and nutrition and provide consistent messages to children, parents and staff.

Acacia preschool is committed to help children eat more healthily by establishing good food habits in their early years.

Our snack café consists of healthy foods, such as, oatcakes, cheese, fruit and vegetables. Children are also offered a drink of milk or water. Fresh drinking water is available to children at all times.

For children who stay all day, we encourage parents to provide a healthy, nutritious and well-balanced lunch and discourage contents that consist largely of crisps, processed foods, sweet drinks and sweet products such as cakes or biscuits. 

In June 2023, we received our Healthy Early Years London Silver award. This is an awards scheme funded by the Mayor of London which supports and recognises achievements in child health, wellbeing and development in early years settings.


Ofsted Reports

You can view our latest inspection report here.



We provide an environment in which all children with special educational needs (SEN) are supported to reach their full potential.

We have regard for the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (2014) and we have in place a clear approach for identifying, responding to, and meeting children with SEND. We support and involve parents (and where relevant children), actively listening to, and acting on their wishes and concerns and we work in partnership with the local authority and other external agencies to ensure the best outcomes for children with SEND and their families.

For further information, please see our SEND procedures, within our Childcare Practice Policy.


OFSTED says: 

“All children receive good levels of care and attention at this preschool. They build strong bonds with the staff and their peers.”

“Staff plan age-appropriate and sufficiently challenging educational programmes for the children.”