

We spend time with our children, to draw on their knowledge and interests to extend and develop their learning. We understand and recognise that all children are unique, and they all learn in different ways and at different rates. Our practitioners guide, develop and support children’s learning according to their needs and abilities. Our practitioners are passionate in supporting all children to achieve their full potential by being the best version of themselves that they can be.


A day at Acacia


09:00 Doors open

Children come in, hang up their coats and bags, before finding their name tags to stick on a board and self-register.

The children all sit down together in a group to sing our good morning song and find out what activities we have available that day.

09:00-10:15 Free play time

During our morning session, children can choose to play indoors or outdoors.

*Monkey Music provide sessions on a Monday and Wednesday morning, which all children are given the opportunity to participate in at no additional cost to parents.


10:15 Snack Café opens

We provide children with a healthy snack of fresh fruit, vegetables, cheese, rice cakes or oat cakes. Children independently attend and self-select what they would like to eat after they have washed their hands and self-registered. They are also given a choice of milk or water to drink.


11:30 Tidy up time

After a busy morning of exploring, we encourage the children to help us tidy up


11:40 Circle time

We come together in two groups. Group 1 is for children who will be starting reception at the end of this academic year. These children will read a story; sing some songs; share news. Group 2 is for all other children, who participate in ‘rhyme time’.


12:00 Morning session ends

*Children who are not staying for lunch go home*


12:05 Lunch

Parents provide their children with a healthy, nut-free, packed lunch. Children all sit down together around tables to enjoy their lunch, with staff on hand to supervise.


12:45 Outside play

As children finish their lunch they go outside to play, while some members of staff prepare the room for the afternoon.


13:00 Activity and free play

Children can access a range of indoor and outdoor activities


14:30 Tidy up time

After a fun afternoon it’s time to tidy up, with the children’s help.


14:40 Story time

Children sit down together on a large rug to listen to a story.


15:00 Home time

After a very busy day, it’s time to go home! 


Toilet breaks & potty training

Throughout the day, those who are potty training will be taken on regular trips to the toilet by a member of staff.  

For those still in nappies, all nappies are changed at 11am and 1:30pm. However, these are regularly checked and will be changed when required.


Our curriculum



The Early Years Foundation Stage EYFS is made up of seven areas of learning:

Prime Areas

  • Communication and language

  • Personal, social, and emotional development

  • Physical development

Specific Areas

  • Literacy

  • Mathematics

  • Understanding the world

  • Expressive arts and design

The EYFS sets the standards for learning, development, and care of children from birth to five years old. This was recently revised by the Department of Education and became statutory in September 2021. 

All schools and Ofsted registered early years providers, such as childminders, preschools and nurseries must follow the standards.


Our methods 

Our methods to develop a child’s learning are through the implementation of a wide range of experiences, all set within a stimulating, thought provoking, fun, challenging environment. These experiences are led and guided by our skilled practitioners, who spend quality time with the children developing their skills and knowledge. Your child will mostly be taught through games and play.

Practitioners implement and guide children’s learning through communication and modelling language, questioning, showing, explaining, demonstrating, and encouraging. They will provide a narrative, as well as facilitating and setting challenges for all. Our environment will give children the space, freedom, and resources to learn. 

Our youngest children will firstly develop a strong foundation in the Prime Areas of Learning. With a solid foundation built in the Prime areas of learning children are then able to develop and extend their existing knowledge, learning new and more complex skills and knowledge within the Specific Areas of Learning.

We will provide the opportunity and learning experiences across all seven areas of learning, ensuring British Values and Culture Capital is at the heart of our learning. We will challenge and enrich children’s learning by introducing new experiences as and when appropriate to their development, challenging both their strengths and weaknesses.

We form good relationships with all our families and children and use their interests and knowledge to support and inspire learning.

Observation is at the heart of the EYFS and by observing a child at play we can make assessments of a child’s development and plan for additional experiences and support that would enhance and extend the learning experience.


Parent says: 

“My daughter went aged 3-4 and absolutely loved it. The staff are fab - welcoming, warm and friendly, and well qualified to support early years development. Not got a bad word to say about it!”

“My son went there aged 3 and is now 8. The staff are wonderful, friendly, welcoming and knowledgeable. My son learnt so much whilst he was there without knowing he was learning”


Our Approach to Learning

At Acacia, we strive to keep children safe and happy in their learning environment. We want children to grow and develop into confident, resilient, and independent young learners. We aim to provide a wide range of learning experiences where children can be engaged, enthusiastic and curious about their environment. We strongly believe that all young children learn through play; therefore, we will encourage and inspire their learning through rich play experiences both indoors and outdoors. Our goal is to embed a love for learning with our children, which will develop them into life-long learners and ensure that they are fully ready for their next stage in education.

At Acacia, we want to ensure that children are ready to make an easy and successful transition into school. Therefore, we aim to provide children with skills such as:

  • Having the confidence to express themselves clearly through language, or actions if English isn’t their first language

  • Managing their own personal care needs – being independent when using the toilet, dressing up etc…

  • Being able to focus attention, listen and participate in a variety of situations, being a confident learner

  • Have the ability to share and take turns and get on socially with their peers

  • Able to take their coat/jumper and their shoes and socks, off and on themselves

  • Be able to sit still and listen attentively for short periods of time


The Acacia Curriculum Plans

To see examples of how we structure and plan our learning throughout the academic year, please download the documents below.